Every year we put together this mouth watering menu of instruments and accessories at prices you'll only get at the Black Friday Rummage Sale!
Whether it's a $20 tuner for $5, a $60 DIY ukulele kit for $20, or $50 off the guitar you've had your eye on, there's something here for everyone
(which is super convenient because the winter holidays are just around the corner)
Below is our list of dozens of student, intermediate, and professional band and orchestra instruments that will be heavily discounted during our Black Friday Rummage Sale!
Reading our blog has its perks because the prices on this are available to you starting NOW! Come by the store today to pick up an instrument at this once a year pricing, or try your luck the weekend of the sale!
Don't forget there will be a ton of awesome treasures in tents and on tables in our parking lot. We've kept these instruments around all year specifically for the Rummage Sale. Used instruments, parts, unique items, and more!
We'll see you soon!