Tom Edelbrock (he/him) is the Cross Middle School Band Director and Amphi District Music Coordinator.
He received his B.M. Ed from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, his M.M. from The American Band College at Central Washington University.
He's worked as the band and choir director at L.W. Cross Middle School since 2013.
We asked Tom six questions about his life as a music teacher:
What Instrument Do You Play?
Best flavor of Pop Tart?
Definitely Wild Berry!
Favorite Piece to Conduct?
"Electricity" by Brian Balmages
Baton, Pencil, or just your hands?
I just got new conductor’s music stand with a space for a baton, so baton all the way!
What Instrument do you WISH you knew how to play?
The harp would be amazing!
Best piece of musical advice you’ve been given?
“Know the whole score to everything you play – not just your part – so that you are ready to make all of the beautiful musical moments happen” – Dr. Stephen Hemphill
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